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About Me

My interest in the Classical world took root at an early age and has propelled my professional development as a teacher-scholar. As a researcher, I explore the ideologies of language, culture, and ethnicity in the ancient world. In the classroom, I create a dynamic learning environment for students to master both Classical subjects and broadly applicable skills.



2013 - 2019

Duke University

Ph.D. in Classical Studies

Dissertation Lucian and the Atticists: A Barbarian at the Gates (William A. Johnson, Director)
Certificate in College Teaching (link)

Preparing Future Faculty (link)

2011 - 2013

Florida State University

M.A. in Classics

Thesis A Claudian Utopia: Euhemeristic thought in the Annals of Tacitus (Trevor S. Luke, Advisor)

2004 - 2008

Swarthmore College

B.A. with High Honors in Latin & Linguistics

Thesis Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles: A Comparative Analysis (Jason Kandybowicz, Advisor)

Research Interests

Language and Identity

Hellenism, Atticism, and Latinity in Imperial Greek prose; ancient socio-linguistic ideologies

Formal and Informal Power Structures

Ethnicity, gender, and class in ancient political systems, law codes, and intellectual circles

Greek and Roman Satire

Imperial cultural commentary; pastiche and parody in Second Sophistic language of humor

Teaching and Learning

Language acquisition; curriculum design; teacher training; critical reappraisal of marginalized voices

Further Education

2010 - 2011

University of Pennsylvania

Post-Baccalaureate in Classical Studies


Princeton University/Beijing Normal University


(Princeton In Beijing Summer Intensive Chinese Language Program)


Oxford University/University of Bradford

Anglo-American Project in Pompeii

Academic Service

University of Cincinnati

Latin pedagogy supervisor, 2019-21

Duke University

Graduate Representative to Department of Classical Studies Faculty 2014-15, 2017-18

Committee Chair, Joint Classics Graduate Colloquium


Committee Member, Joint Classics Graduate Colloquium


Fellowships, Awards, Honors

University of Cincinnati

Nominated by students for Cohen Award for Excellence in Teaching (link)


Duke University Graduate School

Bass Instructional Fellowship
2019-20 (declined due to graduation)
International Dissertation Research Travel Award

Preparing Future Faculty Fellowship

Professional Development Grant

Foster-Coomes Dissertation Research Scholarship

2016, 2018

Florida State University

Nominated by students for Teaching Award, Graduate School Program in Instructional Excellence (link)


Department of Classics, M. Lynette Thompson Fellowship


Professional Affiliations

Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS)


Society for Classical Studies/American Philological Association (SCS/APA)


American Society of Papyrologists (ASP)


Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)



Ancient Latin, Greek

Spoken Italian, French, Mandarin Chinese

Read German, Spanish

Swarthmore College

Honors Program, High Honors in Latin and Linguistics

Department of Classics, Susan P. Cobbs Prize Fellowship


Professional Research Experience

Research Assistant to Prof. William A. Johnson, Duke University Department of Classical Studies

2015 Compiled and edited bibliography on the sociology of publishing in Ancient Rome.

Research Assistant to Prof. John Marincola, Florida State University Department of Classics

2011-12 Assembled, organized, and translated Greek fragmentary history texts.

Research and Logistical Assistant, Bruce McKittrick Rare Books. Narberth, Pennsylvania (link)

2010-11Analyzed and translated marginalia to compile provenance; organized databases and marketing material.

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Background image: Harpocration, Lexicon of the Ten Attic Orators. British Library, Burney MS 96

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